On this page:

General InformationInstructions

You can resume a student that is stuck in Active status because he or she cannot sign out dude to a computer froze or a browser crash. 

When this happens, the student test may indicate an Active status; however, the you must change the status to Resume Upload.



Changing the status to Resume Upload forces TestNav to check for a saved response file (SRF) on the testing device when the student signs in to continue testing. This process displays one of two messages:

Error Message 1001

If you see this message, Pearson has the student's responses saved and there is no error.

To assist the student:

  1. Click Test Proctor - Click Here.
  2. In PearsonAccessnext, change the student's status from Resumed Upload to Resume.
  3. Instruct the student to sign in to TestNav to continue testing.

Error Message 1005

If you see this message, the student's responses have not saved to the Pearson server.

To assist the student.

  1. In PearsonAccessnext, view the student's status to check whether the student's responses are listed under student test and item progress.
    • If the student's responses appear:
      • Click Skip Upload in the Message 1005 window on the testing computer. This will complete the student's sign in so they can resume testing.
    • If the student's responses do not appear:
      1. Find the SRF and Log Files.
      2. Upload the file using Browse and Upload Student File in the Message 1005 window. When the file uploads, the student can resume testing.

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