You can remove a student from a session to change the student's test day or test session. You can perform this task only after initial test registration.

(info) You do not need to perform this step if you delete a test registration before the session starts.


You can only remove a student whose test is in Ready status. To remove a student who has signed in and started to test:

  1. Mark the test complete.

  2. a. Click Select Tasks, select Manage Student Tests, and click Start.

    b. Select a student test under Students in Sessions to view.

    c. Click Do Not Report, and click Save.


  1. From Testing, select Students in Sessions.

  2. Click Add a Session.

  3. Type the session name into the search field, and click the checkbox next to the session.

  4. Click Add Selected.

  5. Click the checkbox next to a student test.

  6. Click Select Tasks, select Remove Students fromSessions, and click Start.

  7. Click the checkbox next to the student.

  8. Click Remove.


What's Next? (Optional)

After you remove the student test, you can assign it to another session to allow the student to test.