Technical Bulletin

Published: March 18, 2022

What is happening?

Districts and schools that updated Chromebooks to Chrome OS 100 (a beta version of the Chrome operating system) recently reported that students received an error when they attempted to sign in to a TestNav test. Upon investigation, Pearson discovered that this OS version was inadvertently blocked. We have addressed the configuration issue that was causing the block, but Pearson does not endorse the use of any beta OS versions with TestNav, as stated on the TestNav System Requirements page.

What does this mean?

Pearson recognizes the advantages of testing beta OS versions before they are released to production for early awareness regarding potential issues. We do this at Pearson to identify and address issues before they impact our customers. However, running TestNav on beta OS versions may impact the online testing administration, as Pearson has not yet completed testing of the OS with TestNav to ensure compatibility and security.

What do I need to do (and how do I do it)?

Review TestNav System Requirements well in advance of high-stakes testing and confirm that testing devices  are running supported OS versions.