TestNav System Requirement Policy/2020-2021 support changes
Technical Bulletin
Published: March 25, 2020
What is happening?
To better prepare customers for annual technology planning, Pearson has adopted a support policy to help districts anticipate upcoming support changes. TheTestNav System Requirement Policyaligns TestNav system requirements with manufacturer-supported operating systems (OSs) and devices. Pearson also updates browser support for practice tests depending on manufacturer support.
This best practice ensures that all district personnel and students experience efficient and reliable testing sessions.
Manufacturer development cycles vary and release details are often vague until close to release dates. As a result, Pearson’s policy requires referencing manufacturer policies. Annually, Pearson will base support for OSs and devices on manufacturer support as of each July 15.
What does this mean?
Technology personnel should evaluate manufacturer support as of July 15 to determine technology planning for each upcoming school year.
For example, using theTestNav System Requirement Policy, districts can estimate upcoming support for the 2020-21 school year to be the following:
Estimated Version Support(2020-2021)
OS X/macOS
10.13, 10.14, 10.15
12, 13
Chrome OS
Chrome OS 84 (dependent on July 15 version availability)
Windows 10, version 1809
Windows 10, version 1903
Windows 10, version 1909
Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)
Android (pending resolution with Google)
9, 10
Browser Update (Practice Tests Only)
Currently, Pearson plans to drop support for IE11 for the 20-21 school year and will announce any additional browser support updates by May 2020.
What do I need to do (and how do I do it)?
District personnel should bookmark and familiarize themselves with the policy to assess technology needs every school year.
You can also find available details for the upcoming school year in theUpcoming Support Changes section ofTestNav System Requirementsas they become available.