The  Point Graph interaction supports the following: Line Graph, Scatter Plot, Polygon Graph, Quadratic, Exponential, and Absolute Value. Authors can add a prompt, set the graph type(s), grid coordinates, the axis min/max and labels, change the line settings as well as add pre-plotted points. Students can choose the graph type from the dropdown, add responses by clicking in the graph, moving points around and removing responses. This is a machine scored interaction.

See Author or Edit a Test Item for general instruction on item creation.

Sample Point Graph Interactions

Add Labels to Graph Types

Authors can add labels to graph types so the dropdown can display other terms or languages. The ‘Type Labels’ field appears on the Editor tab dynamically with the selected types. When a single type is selected the section will be hidden. 

Quadratic Initial State Option

Authors can set an initial state of a quadratic graph that students can then drag in order to set their response. Initial state will always use coordinates (0,0) and (1,1). Students can reset their response to the original state by using the Reset button.

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