PS200s - manifest.csv Errors
Error codes below relate to the manifest.csv file or the contents of the .zip not matching the information in the manifest file.
The system uses the manifest file to evaluate the contents of the .zip file. If the manifest file contains properly formatted data, Pearson processes any included files. Warning messages included in the results file are informational for future import processes.
Error code | Error message | Additional info and instruction
PS200 | Error: File Not Loaded - The manifest file you are trying to import is not a valid csv file. | The system could not read the file, open the file and resave as a .csv and re-import. |
PS201 | Error: File Not Loaded - The manifest file is empty. (Child files will not load) | Open the manifest file, make updates, and re-save. |
PS202 | Error: File Not Loaded - The manifest file you are trying to import has an invalid header record. | Refer to the Pearson Standard Layout and update field names. |
PS203 | Error: File Not Loaded - The manifest file is missing. (Child files will not load) | Open the .zip file and re-compress, including the manifest file. |
PS210 - PS216 | Error: File Not Loaded - All files are required to be included in the manifest. The (Orgs, Users, Students, Accoms, Classes, Courses) file is missing. | The manifest includes a count for one of these files; however, the file is not included in the .zip file. Open the .zip file, add the missing .csv file. Review the record count in the file to make sure it matches the count in the manifest file. |
PS220 | Error: File Not Loaded - Required field ‘pearsonstandard.version’ is missing. | Open the manifest file and update the ‘pearsonstandard.version’ to the appropriate version (1.0, 1.1, etc). |
PS221 -PS226 | Error: File Not Loaded - Required field, file.(orgs, users, students, classes) is missing. | Open the manifest file and update these fields. If a file is not included in the .zip file, a 0 is required to be populated in this field. |
PS250 | Error: Invalid Data - pearsonstandard.version should be populated with 2.0 or higher depending on the version you are using. | Update the manifest with the appropriate value and re-import. |
PS251-PS254, PS256-PS257 | Error: Invalid Data -file.orgs valid values are absent, bulk or delta. | Open the manifest file and update with the appropriate value and re-import. |
PS255 | Warning: Record loaded; however, manifest does not match count in files. | This is a warning and does not prevent the system from loading the files. Open the manifest.csv file and note the counts for each file. Then, open the orgs.csv, users.csv, students.csv, classes.csv and accoms.csv files and note the number of lines in the file. The manifest.csv counts should be 1 less than those in the related files because it does not count the header row. For example, a manifest's file.Orgs row containing a value of 129 represents an orgs.csv file containing 130 records. If the zip file does not contain one of the CSV files, the record count in that file's row contains a 0 to represent zero records for that file. |