PS300s - orgs.csv Errors
Error codes below relate to the orgs.csv file.
Error code | Error message | Additional info and instruction
PS300 | Error: File Not Loaded - The orgs file you are trying to import is not a valid .csv file type. | Open the .zip file, open the file with the error and re-save as a .csv. |
PS301 | Error: File not loaded - The orgs file is empty. | Open the .zip file, review your local .csv file to ensure it has data. |
PS302 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Unexpected Header Included or is Missing | Open the appropriate file and refer to the Pearson Standard Layout to update the header row. The system cannot load the file if it does not match the header labels and header length. |
PS320-PS327 PS329-PS334 | Error: File Not Loaded - Required field, X, is missing. | Open the orgs.csv file, navigate to the appropriate line and update the required field that is missing based on the Error Details. |
PS328 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Required Field, State-Province-Region is missing for a US Country code. | If the organization is within the US, then update this field and re-save the file. If it outside the US, no action is needed. |
PS340 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Organization Code does not exist, so it cannot be updated. | The organization will need to be re-imported. |
PS341 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Organization Code does not exist, so it cannot be deleted. No Action Needed | No Action Needed. |
PS342 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Parent Org is not Found | The Parent Org Code in the record does not match an existing org code. Update/add the record to match an existing organization. |
PS343 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Data for Request Optional Reports Field | Verify that the requestoptionalReports field is populated with Y, N, or is blank. |
PS344 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Data for Ship Materials to Schools Field | Verify that the shipMaterialsToSchools field is populated with Y, N, or is blank. |
PS345 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Data for Ship Reports to Schools Field | Verify that the shipReportsToSchool field is populated with Y, N, or is blank. |
PS350 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Data type for Update Indicator. Must be "I" for to insert a new organization, "U" to update, "D" to delete and blank if doint a bulk file. | Update the Update Indicator column. Re-save, re-zip, and upload again. |
PS351 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Org Type. Valid Values are STATE,LEA,DIST,SCH,PRIV_SCH,CHARTER_SCH | Update values in Org Type column to any of the following:
PS352 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Required field, Customer Code is not found, if you do not know your customer code contact Pearson. | Confirm that values in the Customer Code column match the code Pearson provided to you. If you don't know the customer code, contact Pearson. Update the code accordingly. |
PS353 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Parent Code | Verify the org codes for the parent organization. Update values in Parent Org Code column to match a valid org code. |
PS354 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Org Code | Update the orgCode based on the error details. |
PS355 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Org Name | Update the orgName based on the error details. |
PS356 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid NCES Code | Update the ncesCode based on the error details. |
PS357 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid format for Phone, format should be AAAPPPSSSS or AAAPPPSSSS 2450, where 2450 is an extension. | Update the values in the Contact Phone column to contain only numbers (no hyphens or parentheses, and only a space for an extension). |
PS358-PS360 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Data X | Update the Address 1, Address 2 and City fields based on the error details. |
PS361 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid State-Province-Region, must be 2 characters when the country code is US. | Update the file with a two character state code for US and re-import. |
PS362 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Country Code, must be 2 characters. | Update the country code to 2 characters and re-import. |
PS363 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Contact Type, must be "shippingcoordinator" | Update the contact type to shippingcoordinator. |
PS364 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid Contact Name | Update the values in the Contact Name column to contain alpha characters. It may contain numeric characters, but must also include alpha. |
PS365 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Invalid format for Phone, format should be AAAPPPSSSS or AAAPPPSSSS 2450, where 2450 is an extension. | Update the values in the Contact Phone column to contain only numbers. |
PS366 | Error: Record not loaded - Invalid Data type for Contact Email. | Update the values in the Contact Email column to follow the standard email format, with an @, followed by a domain - .com, .edu, .org, etc. |
PS370 | Error: Record Not Loaded -Parent Org Code must be next org in hierarchy. | The parent organization you are assigning to the organization does not follow the appropriate hierarchy structure. |
PS371 | Error: Record not loaded - Parent Org must be State or LEA | Update the values in the Parent Org Code column with the org code for either a State or LEA. |
PS372 | Error: Record not loaded - Parent Org must be a District | Update the values in the Parent Org Code column with an org code of a District. |
PS373 | Error: Record Not Loaded - Only one State org is allowed | Pearson Access only allows one State organization. Open the file and review the error line. Delete this record or update the type to LEA, DIST, or SCH. |
PS380 | Warning The Organization you are attempting to delete has child records. | |
PS381 | Error: Record Not Loaded Org cannot be deleted. Orgs cannot be deleted if any child records are associated with it. | Delete child records from this organization, and then try to delete the organization again. |
PS390 | Error: Record Not Loaded - The org code already exists, it must be unique. This includes deleted orgs. | The organization code you are trying to import already exists. |