Install TestNav from the TestNav Download Page

TestNav program files are saved in C:\Program Files\TestNav.

  1. Go to the TestNav download page and click Windows.msi. To download it from the Microsoft Store, see Install TestNav from the Microsoft Store.

    • The file download appears at the bottom of the window as it downloads. 

    • Installation might complete without step 3, depending on your device.
  2. If an Open File - Security Warning appears, click Run

    Depending on your organization, a prompt for higher-level access might appear.
  3. After TestNav is configured for your device, you can type TestNav in the search field to find it. A TestNav shortcut might also appear on your desktop or in the Start menu, as shown in the example below.

    • Disable Cortana, XBox Game Bar, clipboard history, and text suggestions.
    • If you use computer restoration or imaging software (for example, Deep Freeze), exclude the Pearson directory and the logs directory, as these contain student backup files and logs for troubleshooting.
  4. Jump to the Set Up Response File Backups and continue setup.

Install TestNav from the Microsoft Store

  1. Click the Microsoft Store button from the TestNav Download page or go to the Microsoft Store and search for TestNav.

  2. Click Get in Store app (or Install, if you previously downloaded TestNav on the same device.)

  3. TestNav begins downloading.

TestNav App Updates

  • If you downloaded TestNav from the TestNav Download page, program files for minor updates save in {user_home}\AppData\Local\Pearson
    • You must give students write access to the update directory.
    • You must download major updates from the TestNav Download page.
  • If you downloaded TestNav from the Windows Store, all major and minor updates occur automatically.

Set Up Response File Backups

TestNav has a default primary SRF save location for all computers and devices. For detailed information on saved response files (SRFs) and log files, see Understand SRFs and Log Files.

SFTP configuration is not supported by all assessment management systems. Consult your assessment management system user guide to determine whether the SFTP option is available.

Before testing, refer to your assessment management system user guide to configure TestNav and complete the following steps. 
  1. Configure primary and a secondary save location through your assessment management system.

  2. Configure student accounts to have complete read, write, and delete access in these save locations.

  3. Communicate SRF and log file locations to test proctors.

  4. Give proctors access to SRF and log files by either of the following:

    • Grant admin rights to proctors on each testing computer.

    • Instruct proctors to access these files while the student is logged in to the testing computer.

Default Primary Save Location

Operating SystemSRF LocationLog File Location



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