The Settings tab defines aspects of the entire form.  These settings are broken into four sections: Layout and Navigation, Section Navigation, Tools and Accessibility, and Accommodations.

  1. Select the features you want available for this form.
  2. Select Save Changes.

Settings: Layout and Navigation

  • Show Title: Two additional fields (Display Title and Display Subtitle) are shown. The Title and Subtitle are displayed in the test player on the first page.
  • Show Student Name: The tester's name appears in the test player.
  • Show Focus Mode: The tester has access to this button, which expands the player to display the content more prominently.
  • Show Question Number: The question number appears in the test player.
  • Show Progress Bar: The progress bar appears in the player. This shows the tester their progress through each section of the test. You can also set the progress bar color.
  • Show Item Progress
  • Show Review Screen: A review screen appears at the end of each section. This shows the tester information about the item attemptedness or item flags in the section.
  • Show Final Review Screen: A review screen appears at the end of the test. This shows the tester information about the item attemptedness or item flags for the test.
  • Show Pause Button: The pause button is enabled in the test player. This allows the student to pause their test.
  • Warn on Change: If a tester attempts to move to a new question without first attempting the items on the question they are currently on, they will receive a warning that they have not attempted all items.
  • Show Redirect URL: After completing the test, the tester will redirected to the specified URL instead of remaining on the Test Submitted page.

Settings: Section Navigation

  • Block return to section: The tester cannot return to this section after moving on to the next section.
  • Wait for proctor release: The tester cannot move to the next section until the Proctor allows the tester to proceed via the Proctor Dashboard.

Settings: Tools and Accessibility

See also: Student Test-Taking Tools

  • Flag Item: The tester can flag items they would like a reminder to revisit. Flagged items are shown on the review screens. 
  • Choice Eliminator
  • Choice Masking:  This tool completely covers all options with a solid screen and can be turned on and off by clicking the eyeball next to each option. Masking will change color to match any color contrast settings. This setting can be used with the current choice eliminator tool.
  • Notepad: The tester has access to a notepad. The notepad is cleared between sections.
  • Line Reader: The tester can obscure the area around the line they are currently reading. This is a strategy to eliminate "noise" by allowing the tester to focus on one line of text at a time. The tester manually moves the line reader to read new lines of text.
  • Magnifier:  Enable to allow the student to enlarge specific areas of the screen during a test. Once activated, users can move the tool around, enlarge the tool and change the magnification. Allowed magnification is 150% to 400% in 50% intervals.
  • Color Scheme: The tester can modify the color palate to create either more or less contrast between the font color and background color. This is a strategy to make the text easier for the tester to interpret.
  • Zoom: The tester can modify the magnification of the content. This is a strategy to make the content more accessible when it is either too large or too small for the tester.
  • Font Size: The tester can modify the font size. This does not affect images or other design elements.
  • Dictionary
  • Highlighter: The tester can highlight text in the content and change the background color by setting a highlight color. This allows the tester to set highlight reminders within the content.

Settings: Accommodations

  • TTS Accommodations: If Text to Speech is allowed on this form, two things must be true:  1) choose an accommodation ADAM should look at to enable TTS, and 2) only testers with this accommodation type will have TTS enabled in the test player.

Tiny link: