Orders data displays details regarding shipments of testing-related materials.


  1. In the main menu, click (or tap) Shipments.

  2. Click Shipment tabs to view shipment data.

    From the SHIP TO DISTRICT/SCHOOL tab, this data displays:

    1- Tracking Number - links to the carrier's website to view additional details about the shipment and delivery. Common carriers and correlating codes (U=UPS, F=FedEx,USPSP=US Postal Service, X=XPO). If using carriers other than UPS, FedEx, USPS, or XPO, tracking numbers will not have hyperlinks.

    2- Pickup date - expected and/or actual date the carrier picked up the package.

    3- Scheduled Delivery date - anticipated delivery date of the shipment.

    4- Actual Delivery date - indicates the date the package was delivered.

    5- Status - indicates that the shipment is either in transit or delivered. Shipment statuses update every 2 hours from the carrier website. 

    6- District - indicates the district that receives the shipment.

    7- School - indicates the school that receives the shipment.

    From the Additional Orders tab, this data displays:

    1- Order # - displays additional order details.

    2- Administration - indicates the name and organization code.

    3- District - indicates the name and organization code.

    4- School - indicates the name and organization code (school values may be blank if the order was shipped to a district).

    5- Updated by - indicates the user who last updated the order.

    6- Updated - indicates the date / time the order was last updated (the timestamp appears in the user's timezone).

    7- Status - indicates that the shipment is either a Draft, Ordered, or Released.

    From the Ship to Pearson tab, this data displays:

    1- Tracking Number - links to the carrier's website to view additional details about the shipment and delivery. Common carriers and correlating codes (U=UPS, F=FedEx,USPSP=US Postal Service, X=XPO). If using carriers other than UPS, FedEx, USPS, or XPO, tracking numbers will not have hyperlinks.

    2- Pickup date - expected and/or actual date the carrier picked up the package.

    3- Scheduled Delivery date - anticipated delivery date of the shipment.

    4- Actual Delivery date - indicates the date the package was delivered.

    5- Status - indicates that the shipment is either in transit or delivered. Shipment statuses update every 2 hours from the carrier website. 

    6- District - indicates the district that sent the shipment.

    7- School - indicates the school that sent the shipment.


For a general overview of view-only data, see View Data.